
Fujitsu FRAM



          Fujitsu has been offering high quality and high performance memory products over many years. FRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memory) is a unique kind of non-volatile memory, which outperforms existing memories like E2PROM and Flash, consumes less power and offers higher speed and endurance to multiple read-and-write operations. FRAM is non-volatile, but operates in other respects like RAM. This breakthrough storage medium is used in a variety of applications including metering, industry automation, smart cards, RFID, security and many other applications that require high-performance non-volatile memory.

MB85RC16PNF-G-JNERE1I2C16K  bits2K  2.7V - 3.6V400uA1MHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RC64PNF-G-JNERE1I2C64K  bits8K  2.7V - 3.6V400uA400KHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RC128PNF-G-JNERE1I2C128K bits16K 2.7V - 3.6V400uA400KHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RC16VPNF-G-JNERE1I2C16K  bits2K  3.6V - 5.5V400uA400KHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RS64PNF-G-JNERE1SPI64K  bits8K  2.7V - 3.6V10mA25 MHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RS128PNF-G-JNERE1SPI128K bits16K2.7V - 3.6V10mA25 MHzSOP-8
 x 8
MB85RS256BPNF-G-JNERE1SPI256K bits32K 2.7V - 3.6V10mA25 MHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RC04VPNF-G-JNERE1I2C4K bits4k  2.7V - 3.6V10mA150 nSSOP-8
x 1
MB85R1001A并行1M   bits128k 3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSTSOP48 / FBGA48
接口x 8
MB85R1002A并行1M   bits64k  3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSTSOP48 / FBGA48
接口x 16
MB85R4001A并行4M   bits512k 3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSTSOP48
接口x 8
MB85R4002A并行4M   bits256k 3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSTSOP48
接口x 16
MB85RS64VPNF-G-JNERE1并行64K  bits8K  2.7V - 3.6V15mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RS16VPNF-G-JNERE1并行16K  bits8K  2.7V - 3.6V15mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RS16PNF-G-JNERE1I2C16K  bits2K  3.6V - 5.5V400uA400KHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RC64PNF-G-JNERE1SPI64K  bits8K  2.7V - 3.6V10mA25 MHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85RS128APNF-G-JNERE1SPI128K bits16K2.7V - 3.6V10mA25 MHzSOP-8
 x 8
MB85RS256APNF-G-JNERE1SPI256K bits32K 2.7V - 3.6V10mA25 MHzSOP-8
x 8
MB85R256FPNF-G-JNERE2并行256K bits32k  2.7V - 3.6V10mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RC256VPNF-G-JNERE1并行256K bits32k  2.7V - 3.6V10mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RC256VPF-G-JNERE2并行256K bits32k  2.7V - 3.6V10mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RC1MTPNF-G-JNERE1并行1M   bits128k 3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RS2MTPNF-G-JNERE1并行2M   bits256k 3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8
MB85RS1MTPNF-G-JNERE1并行1M   bits128k 3.0V - 3.6V 15mA150 nSSOP-8
接口x 8

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